I never told her that I am in love with her. Just my heart knew it. There still were way many considerations which I required to consider of if I wanted the love marriage, to be very accurate, Inter-caste love marriage. Sounds intimidating ?? Hearing so many things like honor killing these days? YES it was scary
. I wanted to ensure if she is the right girl
who could fit into my world and in my people. Will she be blissful with me and will keep me and my parents happy
??? So I decided to give me some additional time before I could launch my verdict onto her. For next few days I was in the process of evaluating her, I was posing various categories of direct and oblique questions which could give me a straight judgment. Questions like, “What do you think of Inter-caste marriages”, “Do you like north-Indian food” blah blah blah. I went on and on and on and on and first round result was out, after processing all the reactions and answers from her I was standing in front of a BIG NO
. But I was/am not a quitter
, if I wish for something I make sure I get it. But I had to lay my further love valuation lower in the priority for few days because,
Reason No. 1 – No one was after her and she did not have any boyfriend, everybody was still attracted to Apsara, which means I was in safe hands .
Reason No. 2 – 2nd semester assessments were impending and I had to keep up my 1 semester’s performance.
It was study time in the entire hostel. People used to come out just at the mealtime or to take a break to go to the Somnhalli Gate to indulge in god’s devotion in Ranjani Bar because after 2 pegs everybody makes directly to a single destination described as “heaven”. I think it was 15 days ahead of the exams and lecturers
were trying hard to complete the lessons so that students get supplementary time for revision. On one rainy
Wednesday evening we returned from college and noticed something extremely awful within the hostel. There was a sense of chaos and we heard people shouting
. Hostel was in totally baffling state. We could not comprehend what was the dilemma so we went into our rooms to find some rest. We studied for few hours till it was suppertime. Routinely we took our plates and went en route for the hostel-mess. When we arrived, the panorama of the canteen was not amusing, the canteen was uninhabited and there was nothing except for tables and stool. Everything had vanished, no vessels, no food and no aunty!!
We instantaneously got in touch with hostel representative and he made us aware that Aunty, the food in charge, from last week was making plans to take a trip to her hometown and for the same reason she was borrowing cash from nearly every student who could lend her some money. She said that she has to buy gifts
for her family and that’s why she needs plenty of money. Since she was a trusted known face people did lend her a generous amount of currency ranging from 500/- to 10,000 rupees. And Aunty, who worked out a brilliant plan, gathered everything and fled!!! Yes she
collected every valuable and went absconding. The evening chaos was from people who lost their money. They started getting their hands on whatever they could locate left in Aunt’s room. So the message for us was unambiguous that there will be no food for a blurred period of time. It was very well for us because it gave us a certified explanation to request for extra money from the house
and the best part; we can go out and eat at the close by dhaba every single day
After 2 days it was all settled down but few people started strolling in the hallways like zombies
. They could not sleep because of their loss. They were hassled because they were not able to give attention to studies for the approaching theory tests. They were still hopeful that Aunty might turn up in front of them, dressed up like goddess Lakshmi (in front of a halogen lamp which will illuminate her appearance) and hand out their money back but that doesn’t happen anymore!! Does it?
But the days of calamity had just begun. Within next 2 day since aunty fled, the adjacent or you can say hostel’s power source transformer was busted. A truck crashed into it, the estimate time to bring it to the working state was 7-8 days which in simple English implies, we were COMPLETELY fucked up for next 7-8 days, No Food, No Power and if their is no power how can water be pumped, so no water either, not even drinking water. So you could visualize the 2 different people in 2 tremendously different situations at the same time,
Those 7 days were the most dreadful days in the hostel. People made provisions for unusual things, some tried taking bath at the nearby polytechnic college and some did not bother (meaning they did not take bath for 7 days) . The entire hostel started sleeping on the terrace under open sky. Charlie, one of our inmates, used to light up mosquito coil on the terrace to get rid of mosquitoes, funny guy
isn’t he !!
Those days soon got over and everyone was looking ahead for the exams. We had lab external examinations which went pretty well. In those laboratory examinations we discovered the person with incredible cleverness , it was Thapa. There was an experiment in the physics lab in which you need to uncover
the frequency of the tuning fork by changing the water level in the water container till you come across the perfect resonance
when tuning fork is smacked on the table and held over the water level.
You will be given any of the shown tuning forks and by adjusting the level of water bit by bit and looking for the correct sound which will present the frequency of the given fork. Thapa was dazzling in dark novelties , criminal mind to be very specific. Rather than taking all the pain of fine-tuning the water and listening to the sound on every occasion, he memorized frequency of each fork against its length !!! And Bingo !!! In the external lab when he was given a fork and guess what he did the first thing ?? He just measured its length and as soon as he had its length he knew its frequency and he knew what water level will give him the accurate sound
. Thapa passed that lab with flying colors
. Thapa was that kind of human who had loads of intelligence but it was completely used for wickedness. In one more occurrence he disagreed with his lecturer in external lab of C++. His lecturer said that the program he has written is acceptable but he said not its not because output is not in sync with the input he has given, Its not the same output (what he memorized) for the input (he memorized) and hence program is not right !!
Exams went sound and 2nd semester finished with an elevated morale. I had 2 complete days in the train to dwell on my subsequent move in the next semester to carry on with my one sided love story. It was unmistakable that it is virtually impossible but I had to make it happen anyhow .
Ohhh ...i never knew about those problems you guys had in hostel... :)
you remember me and ali singing song Shirdi wale sai baba in midnight at terrace... !!
5-6 people use to sleep in single bed with mosquito net.I think it rained once early morning. Horrible ........ But it's fun remembering all those incidents
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