It was an intense sunny day along with Sam’s happy birthday
. The plan was to meet the girls (PK and Deeps) at Jayanagar and from there to ISKON temple
, I know it’s a pretty exciting to go out with girls on your birthday to a temple but as we know that our Sam was like Maggie tomato ketchup, “It’s different”
Both of us arrived at the meeting point and started killing time until both the girls turn up. Finally when it was already too late and both of us started to get pissed off, Sam got a call .
It was PK on the line, “Hi, it’s me”
Sam, “What the Heck”,
He was about to yell on her but then we noticed that PK was crying. He was shaken a bit.
Sam asked, “What happened”
PK recited the unpleasant incident,
“We were coming to meet you on Deep’s two-wheeler”, sobbing viciously .
“On a turn Deeps turned without indicating (She used to love this) and there was car approaching from the opposite direction”
“It knocked us down but nothing serious, Deeps is slightly hurt ”
“Ok, but where are you guys and if nothing serious why the hell are you still weeping ?”
She clarified, “The car owner is impolite and shameful, he wants Deeps to be handed over to the police”
“WTF ?? Let’s go”, we rushed.
We arrived at the crime scene and as it was elucidated by PK, the car owner was still shouting on Deeps. I quickly went towards him and tried to talk him down but then I discovered that he has already called the police. Deeps was sobbing and her elbow was bruised, it was bleeding. With-in a split second a police jeep appeared. Inspector asked us sit in the jeep. We all were sitting together. Car owner and his family opposite to us. I think Car owner and his wife got a bakra after a very long time because the way they were screaming was as though Deeps single handedly smashed the car with her two-wheeler but the car was unharmed, not even a scuff. I assumed that they did not have any other plans for the day so they thought of getting some amusement out of this
We reached Jayanagar Police station where Deep’s destiny had to be determined. It was my maiden police station entry. As we entered we heard,
Few policemen were beating up this guy within the chamber. All dreadful thoughts started creeping up in the mind,
‘What will happen if Deeps goes to Jail’
‘What if she is sentenced for 2-3 years’
‘How would she look like ?’
Car owner was still shouting and Deeps still had tears in her eyes. Shortly a decent looking police inspector appeared . He heard the case and said,
“$%^$%^$%^& #$%#%$#$% ^&^%&*^&*^” .
I don’t know what he said but when he finished, the Car Owner appeared pleased and Deeps had gone worsen
, so we deduced that Inspector has decided to support the car owner. Soon after Deeps enlightened that she needs to pay 1000/- penalty because she scratched the car. None of us had any cash and Deep’s parents were out of reach. Now when they learned that she does not have any money they starting pressurizing her further, they started bullying her that she will be put in jail. We called PK’s brother, he came like a knight in shining armour for us. Since he also did not have any currency, he submitted his credit card. The Car owner was still not pleased, he was looking for more blood
Deeps now had enough, she called her uncle and told him the complete story. His Uncle got in touch with few people and within an hour the police station received a phone call from a politician and in India if politician makes a call from your behalf then you are a Superman. We came out of the station contentedly. The program was already busted. But to show a gesture of gratitude, Deeps invited us to her house.
Hitler was the most evil and cruel dictator ever known to mankind. Deeps always talked about her parents and especially about her mother, the episodes she told us and illustration of how strict she is with her made me have her representation of Hitler in my mind. I used to call her Hitler till I tied the knot with my wife but after that I recognized that she is an adorable Hitler and in day today world lovable Hitler has a official name, “Mother-in-law”.
It was slight strange to sit in her house knowing that it could turn out to be a big concern but then we thought, if no ISKON then at least might get some home cooked food. Finally Deep’s mom arrived after 2-3 hours. As she entered into the house she looked both of us and we looked her, no talking just staring, she staring us and we staring her, no words. Now let me give details of her glance to us, it was the look when you see something gruesome , as if she has seen 2 thieves
, waiting for her to return so that we can inquire where the locker is !! First encounter with Hitler was not so great but wasn’t even bad
She called out to Deeps. Deeps came and gave details of the entire event. I was little comforted because I was not in mood to go to the police station for a second time. And as predictable she cooked meal for us which was incredible. We had a little chat and then we left.
After few days from that unpleasant incident Deeps told me that her mother thinks that I and Deeps have a linkup. I laughed my guts out.
“That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard”
“Noooooo, she thinks that we are going around”
By 2nd semester the sitting display in our classroom became tad distinctive. There was 7 rows of Guys on the left, there was 6 rows of girls on the right side and 7th row of 4 of us, Me, Patti, Mahajan and Arnold. We were 7th row because our group girls were the back benchers of girls. So that used to make our group of 7 to sit as one.
One morning after the first lecture Deeps turned back and said, “I have a request”
“Shoot”, I said.
“Today my mother is visiting the college and she will come to the classroom too”
Before she could carry on I said, “And since your mother thinks we are going around I should not be sitting behind you, correct ?”
“Correct”, she confessed.
I wasn’t very glad with the request but then I did not have any other preferences but I also did not want to sit down anywhere else so all 4 of us bunked the lecture and her mother never came to the classroom.
Yet another one nicely churned out.
Good writing ,Ankit!. Keep it going..
lol.. aage kya hua? meherbani karke intezaar na karaiye.... :P fatafat aage ke kahani bol dale..... :D
Hey Ankit,
Been a long time bro...
But miss those days.
Its a good one. Keep on writing.
Just wanted to add that there were around 15 girls spaning across 6 benches and 35+ boys on other 7.
Nice one. great flow.
Great Ankit, you are such a great writer I am your big fan.t
He he he he...waiting for more stories :)
Sunshine, aage kya ho saktha hai, ye likhna zaroori hai kya? Jo hona hi tha, vo ho gaya, bechaara Ankit. Hitler ko, "Hail Hitler" kehne pada
Haven't laughed so much since the Fake IPL Player blogs more than a year ago. Keep entertaining!
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